Poster Design

1st Impressions

TItle: “1st Impressions”

Starring; Rita Dominic @ritadominic and IK Osakioduwa @ikosakioduwa


Chike is looking to make his bones in the music industry but it is not easy. One day he overhears a top exec at a recording label is in need of a personal assistant.
Vivian “the shark” Emenike is not a person who gives second chances so Chike knows it’s over when he blows the interview.

On his way home he meets a homeless man who claims he has a lucky charm that can give Chike the means to re – live a day as long as he wants. He forces it into his hands and walks away.

Chike takes it home and in tiredness and not a shred of belief says, “Stupid thing won’t even work sef,” and throws it in the thrash. He collapses in bed and whispers , “I wish I could keep having interviews with this woman until I am hired.”

What follows is a shocking and hilarious tale of multiple second chances as Chike ends up having the same interview many times over each morning. Each new day brings an unexpected twist and he fails each time but as the interviews continue he sees the world is not quite what it seems and neither is his prospective employer.

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I would like to work with you to create a stunning cover for your book this year – for online and print publishing. I also offer format and typesetting services for your manuscript.

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